Our Work

The Tapestry team serves the community in several ways. We provide numerous trainings and participate in outreach events. We partner with many agencies across the county to support communication and connections. Over the past twelve years, we have had the opportunity to bring nationally recognized trainers, speakers and programs to Chautauqua County.

While Tapestry is not a provider, we fund several community partners to provide services throughout the system of care. All services funded with federal dollars are complimentary to existing services – not supplanting and not competing. All funded programming includes a focus on sustainability to ensure planning for future success and long-term viability of programming. The goal of our system of care initiative is to “raise the bar” for all providers of care and service to be of high-quality, connected and integrated, and holistic in meeting the needs of children and families.


What is Chautauqua Tapestry?

Chautauqua County was awarded a six year federal grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to assist in enhancing Chautauqua County’s system of care (SOC) for children and youth that have emotional and behavioral challenges classified as Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED) and their families. The name Tapestry was selected as a tapestry is a coming together of threads and it provides warmth and comfort. Oftentimes services are seen as individual threads and our goal is to be a supportive and caring network.

How do I get my child connected with Tapestry?

Chautauqua Tapestry
Town of Chautauqua Municipal Building
2 Academy Street, Suite 202
Mayville, NY 14757 

Telephone: (716) 753-4507
Toll Free: 1-888-290-2381
Fax: (716) 753-7208

I have an older child, are they still able to get services? Is there an age cut off?

With the newest SAMHSA grant, Chautauqua Tapestry’s overall goal is to improve the mental health outcomes for children and youth, birth through age 21, at risk for or with serious emotional disturbances (SED), and their families. 

Services are not provided directly by Tapestry staff. The funding supports service provision, referrals and training.

What is System of Care (SOC)?

System of Care, also called SOC, embraces the idea that youth and families can and should have an active role in how systems serve them. This includes services in the community that are based on the youth and family’s strengths and needs, as identified by the youth and family. A System of Care addresses the needs of the youth and family through effective family, youth, and system partnerships and collaboration.

What are the core values of SOC?

Family driven and youth guided, with the strengths and needs of the youth and family determining the types and mix of services and supports that best fit their needs. Community based, with services and the management of those services resting within a supportive framework at the community level. Culturally and linguistically competent, with programs and services that reflect the culture and language of the population served. This will ensure access to services based on each youth and their family’s unique needs and eliminate gaps in services.

What is a system?

“System” refers to a public system that you receive services from; that can be the public school system, health-care providers, behavioral health-care providers, juvenile justice, Social Security, and many more. There are a lot of different systems that provide different types of services to youth and families, and they all have their own way of doing things.

What are the guiding principles of a SOC?

  • Child Specific
  • Family Driven
  • Youth Guided
  • Community Based
  • Cultural & Language Appropriate
  • Evidence Based Practices
  • Least Intrusive

The process is for youth and families to receive services which are individualized and to include formal and natural supports selected by the youth and family. The ultimate goal is to improve access and expand the array of services and support for children and youth with emotional and behavioral challenges and their families with a focus on the quality and cultural responsiveness of programs.

Why does SOC matter?

SOC matters as it encourages a culture shift in the behavioral health system emphasizing the importance of youth and family voice in improving the effectiveness and relevance of services.

Press Releases

Tapestry Resilience Initiative Asks You to “Flip the Script” and Celebrate Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week May 2-8, 2021

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2 through 8 is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (CMHAW). Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene (CCMH) and Tapestry Resilience Initiative invite you to join in the celebration of this important week designed to raise awareness surrounding the emotional, psychological and social well-being of our communities’ youth, their families and caregivers.

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